Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista Cirrus

Network Management as a Service


The Preferences SMS Screen is used to configure a connection to an SMS Provider and set SMS preferences. The SMS Gateway feature enables OmniVista applications to send SMS messages (e.g., login credentials for Guest Users). OmniVista uses two third-party SMS providers (Plivo, Telefonica) to process SMS messages. Complete the fields and click on the Apply button.

  • SMS Provider - Select an SMS Provider from the drop-down menu.
    • Plivo - Select Plivo to process SMS messages. If necessary, click on the "Register Plivo Account" link to go to the Plivo website and create an account. Make sure to complete the prerequisites with Plivo as described below before configuring your SMS preferences.
    • Telefonica - Select Telefonica to process SMS messages. Setup an account with Telefonica before configuring your SMS preferences.
  • Provider Specific - Based on which SMS Provider you select, complete the fields as described.
    • Plivo SMS Provider
      • Auth ID - Enter the Auth ID issued by the SMS Provider (displayed on the Plivo Dashboard tab).
      • Auth Token - Enter the Auth Token issued by the SMS Provider (displayed on the Plivo Dashboard tab).
    • Telefonica SMS Provider
      • User Name - Enter the user name for your Telefonica account.
      • Password - Enter the password for your Telefonica account.
  • Generic Attributes
    • Source Number(s) - Enter source number(s) used for sending SMS messages. The source number specifies the phone number, short code, or Messaging Service that will send the SMS message. The source Number must be associated with your registered Plivo or Telefonica account. If you enter multiple numbers, a "round-robin" method is used to select the source number (i.e., it will start with the first source number entered by the user, then use the next number in the list for the next SMS message). These numbers must match the Source numbers configured in the Plivo or Telefonica account.
    • Max No. of Messages per Day per Source Number - Specify the maximum number of messages per day that can be sent from a single source number (Range = 1 - 1000). Note that when the maximum number of messages per day is reached, OmniVista will still successfully send messages, but will generate a warning trap (per day, per source number). For example, if this value is set to 500 and there are 2000 messages sent from one source number in a given day, then OmniVista will generate one trap ("alaOvSMSMaxperDay") for that source number on that day.
    • "To" Number to Test - Enter a "Test" number and click on the Send Test SMS button to send a test SMS message to ensure that SMS is configured correctly.


When a new customer signs up on Plivo platform, there are multiple checks that run in the background to assess the authenticity of the domain, company etc., with the information provided while registering. This is a standard that is followed across the industry to protect the platform from fraud attacks. If these checks fail to return a positive value, your domain/company will be unable to successfully create an account with Plivo. If this happens you will have to contact Plivo to confirm your identity, and Plivo will manually allowlist the domain and enable registering. To ease onboarding and avoid this problem, follow the steps below.

1. Send an e-mail to "" to ensure your domain is allowlisted prior to registering.

  • Email has to be sent from the same ID that will be used to register.
  • Email Subject: Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Customer: Request SMS service authorization
  • The body must contain the company name, website and country of operation.

2. Upon receiving this email, Plivo will allowlist your domain and let you know that you are ready to sign up/register. This can take up to 48 hours.

3. After successful registration on Plivo, you can use the assigned Auth ID/Auth Token, on the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniVista platform.